Pederson receives OKCare Legislator of the Year

Series: Senate Review | Story 3

This past week was relatively quiet here at the Capitol. Committee work has begun to hear nearly 400 bills that the House sent over for consideration. I presented one bill in the Agriculture Committee, HB3822, which dedicates the third full week of April as "Healthy Soils Week." This bill recognizes the importance of healthy soil and the important work done by Oklahoma farmers. I have a few more bills to get across the finish line this session. Stay tuned for those updates.

OYE (Oklahoma Youth Expo) week was a great success. I participated in the Legislator Showmanship with Kole Campbell and his family by showing his shorthorn heifer. Legislators participated in a donation drive to raise money for the continued success of 4-H and FFA OYE programs in Oklahoma.

I was honored to host Kole Campbell as my page this past week. He lives in Jet, Oklahoma, and is a homeschool student. After he graduates from high school, he plans to attend Northern Oklahoma College to pursue an Agriculture Science degree. He also plans to seek his doctorate from a senior college to become a livestock judge with an emphasis on cattle. He hopes to work in the livestock industry, specifically working with big livestock shows.

Other events that took place include the Oklahoma Film and Music Day at the Capitol. This event promoted the evolving Oklahoma industry, which strives to support and connect local, national and international filmmakers with Oklahoma's skilled crew and talent. The Oklahoma Film and Music initiative is part of the Oklahoma Commerce Commission and Oklahoma Tourism.

The Farm City Festival, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, provided lunch on Wednesday to everyone and shared information about Oklahoma's agriculture. I also attended the FFA Legislative and VIP banquet and celebrated Oklahoma FFA and FFA members and chapter advisors from our district.

I was honored to receive the OKCare Legislator of the Year Award. OKCare is a non-profit organizational network for both residential and foster care agencies that work together to provide quality care to children and their families.

On Friday, I attended the Woodring Wall of Honor celebration honoring those who served and or gave the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam Era.

Take note that the Burlington High School & Community Blood Drive will be on Thursday, April 4, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The location is the Bloodmobile at the Town Hall. To schedule an appointment, contact Marci at Town Hall at 580-431-2550 or All donations get a stand TALL T-Shirt AND a donor eclipse T-shirt with front and back design, PLUS one free entry to the Oklahoma City Zoo.

In closing, as I reflect on this past week, I am reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for the redemption of sin as we should be reminded every day. I am certainly thankful for what He has done for me and the plan of salvation He has offered to everyone who believes in Him. I hope that you enjoyed your time with your family, and if I can be of service to you or your family, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can reach my office at 405-521-5630 or


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