Who do you think you are?

That seems like an offensive question, doesn’t it? It’s not meant to be, at least not in this instance. Who do you think you are? In other words, how do you visualize yourself? Or maybe while we’re still close to New Year’s Day, who do you want to be?

The way we think about ourselves is complicated. Some people might be exactly who they think they are. If you asked your closest friends and family to describe you, would it match the person you project in your thoughts? Would it be someone you’re trying not to be? Maybe it is a combination of the two. Or maybe it’s accurate but you’re trying to change. Like I said, it’s complicated.

I am the kind of person who does get the urge to make some positive changes just before every New Year’s Eve. I want to lose about 15 pounds. I want to read about 1.5 books per month. I want to spend more time in devotion and prayer. I want to spend less money and I want to have more fun. These are all things I’m actively trying to obtain so far this year. Sure, I could’ve started a few weeks ago when I initially had all these ideas. But there’s something about the new year that feels like a starting line. I feel like I’ve succeeded four days into 2024. And because there have only been four days in 2024 so far, I have failed zero days of the year. A spotless record! It feels like there’s extra motivation in there, somewhere.

The thing about New Year’s is that it isn’t just another silly “greeting card” holiday. There is something inherently spiritual about renewal. Jesus and Paul both spoke of becoming completely new creations in the New Testament writings. Letting the old ways, even the old selves, die in order to be “reborn” into something new. That’s the hard part. I had to let the part of me die that liked to eat three or four Oreos right before bed if I’m going to be healthier, let alone lose any weight. I had to let the part of me die that wanted to sleep as late as possible, so I could wake up a little early to have a cup of coffee and get some reading in before work. You get the picture.

Who do you think you are? How do you visualize yourself? Who do you want to be? Now is as good a time as any to decide. You can start today.


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