Clare Pollock, a sophomore at South Barber High School, is the local winner of the Kiowa, Kansas, VFW Post 5982 and Auxiliary Voice of Democracy essay contest. This is a nationwide contest with the patriotic theme for 2019-20 "What Makes America Great."
The daughter of Mark and Krista Pollock of Kiowa, Clare was one of three high school students who entered the contest judged by retired English teacher Pat Noble. Students compete by writing and recording a 3-5 minute audio essay on the theme.
Since 1947 the Voice of Democracy contest has been the national VFW's premiere scholarship program. They give prizes and scholarships at the post, district, state and national level. Each year about 40,000 students compete for more than $2 million in scholarships and incentives. The national winner receives a $30,000 scholarship. State winners get a trip to Washington, D.C. Pollock received monetary gifts from the local post and auxiliary.
Each Veteran's Day Kiowa's American Legion Auxiliary and VFW Auxiliary sponsor a meal for all veterans in the community. Pollock and her parents were guests at the evening meal at Kiowa's Community Building where she read her essay to the audience. Pollock's essay follows:
What Makes America Great, by Clare Pollock
What is your favorite thing to do? Whatever you answered, think to yourself, what would happen if you couldn't do this anymore? What if you couldn't do anything you enjoy anymore? In some countries, this is the case. But here, in America, we can do most things we enjoy. It seems we often forget this. We take for granted the opportunities we have, and we forget everything that makes America great. Some things that I think make America great are the freedoms we have, our armed forces, and the leaders of this nation.
Freedom is a power granted to us to do whatever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want, and however we want to do it. For example, there is freedom of religion. The government doesn't force any religion on us. We decide our own religion, if we even want to choose a religion. One of my personal favorites is the freedom of expression because it allows people to celebrate their individuality. We can choose what we want to wear, how we want to look, what we want to say, and so much more. We can have our own personality. All of these things come together to make us unique and individual. They are just a minuscule glimpse into all the freedoms we really do have, such as the military.
What do you think of when you think of the armed forces? Do you think of a branch, people who have enlisted, a relative who has enlisted in the past, or one who is enlisting now? Whatever you thought of, I hope you feel the same pride I feel when I think about the military. I have had very little family connection to the military for most of my life until just recently when my sister got accepted into the United States Naval Academy where she will become a naval officer. I can say even though I haven't had a direct connection to the military until the past few months, I have always had respect and pride in the armed forces. Who could forget the people who are in the armed forces, who have risked and continue to risk their lives for ours? It really just amazes me that someone would fight for me, my freedom, without even knowing who I am. Another thing I just can't fathom is the full responsibility of each branch of our government. Each branch has a specific job that protects our whole country. Thanks to them, we have a safe country in which to live.
In addition to our freedom and our armed forces, our leaders play an important role, as well. I think America is great is because of all of the leaders there are in our country. From the president to mayors, congressmen to city administrators, the list could go on and on. However, instead of listing all of the positions, I will focus on the roles and
amazing things they continue to do for America. Every leader in our country has committed to a position, or office, which has many responsibilities that come with it. I believe that if this job isn't done, we, the people, could be in a lot of trouble. To me, that is scary to think about, which is why I believe the leaders make America so great. But,
when we really think about a leader, it could be just about anyone who takes charge and fills a role. When someone steps up to a position, he or she becomes a leader. What a simple concept! They take charge and make things run smoothly, which, in my opinion, makes life a wonderful thing. Leaders make America so great!
When we really think about it, America is great for many other reasons, but what I think makes America great - freedom, armed forces, and leadership- is just a small bit of what really does. Most importantly, it's the people. The people were able to give us freedom, the people are in the armed forces fighting for us every day, and the people are the leaders in this nation. The people in this country are what brings all of these reasons together. If we think about it, we could not have this country without people. The people have done and continue to do whatever is necessary to make America great!
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