BG Consultants Engineer Johnson updates Kiowa City Council on several projects

• Special Meeting Monday, July 22, at 7 p.m., to award bid for city hall project

At the July regular meeting of the Kiowa City Council, BG Consultants Engineer Sam Johnson gave updates on several projects. BG is contracted with the city to do Kiowa's major water line replacement, their city hall building renovation project and more.

Regarding the city hall project, Johnson laid out a dateline for bids. The pre-bid meeting was July 11. The sealed bids will be open July 18 at the city office at 2 p.m. Then the council plans a special meeting Monday, July 22, at 7 p.m. to award the bid for the city hall project.

On another subject, Johnson said there is an additional consulting fee for a dangerous and unfit structure evaluation. This is to evaluate numerous structures around town. The cost of the consulting fee is $2,480, which the council approved.

Regarding the major waterline project, Johnson said he is working to get easements from approximately 20 landowners. This is along the Tri-City Road that runs north and south between Sharon and Hazelton Kansas. Kiowa's waterline that needs replaced runs along that road as the pipes carry water from Kiowa's water supply at the wells south of Sharon. So far Johnson said he's received four easements and continues to get the remainder. As he mentioned previously, Johnson encourages property owners to donate their easements to help keep down the cost of the project that is estimated at $8.2 million.

When Phase II of the water project starts it will replace the approximate 100 year water pipes in Kiowa. Johnson said they need two $800 crossing permits ($1,600 total) to bore underneath the existing railroad on the west edge of Kiowa. This is to install new pipes for drinking water distribution, he said. Phase I (replacing the pipes along Tri-City Road) is much more progressed then Phase II, the engineer said.

City officials present at the July meeting included: Mayor Watson; councilmembers Russ Molz, Brian Hill, Tom Wells, Brent Shaffer and R.L. Simpson; City Clerk Trish Brewer, City Attorney Brandon Ritcha; Police Chief Nate Houston; Street Superintendent John Duvall. The public section was full of residents. City Council candidates (for the November election) Kevin Wise and BJ Duvall also attended.


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