Woods County commissioners discuss bids

All commissioners were in attendance at the regular weekly meeting of the Woods County commissioners. Court Clerk Shelley Reed and Kat Lunn of the Alva Review Courier were also present. A motion was made by Hamil, seconded by Smiley, to approve warrants and claims. No action was taken on last meeting’s minutes because the date was incorrect in the agenda.

Hamil made a motion, seconded by Smiley to approve the permits for Select Energy Services. Select Energy Services will be placing a pit line under the road east of the sale barn on River Road (two).

Smiley, seconded by Hamil, made a motion to approve the ODOT Supplemental and Modification Agreement No. 1. This agreement is for the improvement of roads and bridges on NS-246 over Sand Creek, 2.3 miles east and 1.7 miles north of 281/45, project number CIRB-9782(004)RB.

Hamil, seconded by Smiley, made a motion to remove Mary Gaskill as the requisition officer, as she is no longer working there. Next, McMurphy, seconded by Hamil, made a motion to approve the SEFA report ending June 30, 2018. SEFA is the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards; it is a grant providing federal money for emergency management.

Hamil, seconded by McMurphy, approved the motion to junk three E911 computers ID number 250-003, ED250-032, and ED250-033. Smiley brought up some new business regarding the purchase of a pumper truck for Freedom. He and some others went to look at it this past weekend. Breckenridge is selling it. Smiley said it will fit what Freedom needs and is really a great dependable truck. It is four door, automatic, with a light tower, pump, and plenty of storage. Smiley said he thought it was a 1994 or 1998, International. The commissioners said they would get a PO to bid on the truck.

Hamil, seconded by Smiley, made a motion to approve blanket purchase orders. A motion to adjourn was made by Smiley and seconded by Hamil.


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