Yvonne Miller count
`LET'S MAKE SOME MUSIC!' – South Barber's Vocal Director Naicee Gugelmeyer has her elementary students having a good time at their spring music program, "Let's Make Some Music!" Pre-K, kindergarten and first grade students obviously have fun movin' to the music as they sing lively, crowd-pleasing songs like "Yakety Yak." Back row, from left: Katharina Unger, Malita Taylor, Emmalynn Stoner, Kaylee Dotts, Marquise Broils, Lane Clover, Ethan Countryman. Middle row: Tatum Howland, Cody Stewart-Moore, Alana Edstrom, LillyAnne Wilson, Susie Simpson, MaKenna Brattin, Janda Goodno, BaiLea Swonger. Front row: Avery Ross, Chisum Howland, Sophie Mendoza, Kaylee Carwile, Vance Allen and Annie Courson.
Yvonne Miller count
NEVER A DULL MOMENT AT SPRING MUSIC PROGRAM – The house came down when second graders (in front) Alyssa Sciara and Carthrae Courson let loose to "I'm a Believer" at the South Barber Elementary Spring Music Program. Vocal Director Naicee Gugelmeyer named the program "Let's Make Some Music." These cute-as-the-song-is-fun kiddos made music, inspired cheers and smiles throughout the audience. Back row, from left: Olivia Carwile, Kaylee Bridwell, Bella Dick, Aneesa Courson, Bree Bodemann, Leah Rosenberger. Second row: Rosalynn Fox, Cambridge Rector, Lyndsay Cropp, Adrienne Simpson, Lauryn Cropp, Carra Beaman and Vance Stewart.
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