Courtney Mapes, Mckenna Nixon, Dakota Nusser and Emma Reed traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, to walk across the stage to receive their American FFA Degree. This is the highest degree an FFA member can achieve.
The American FFA Degree is a sign of great accomplishment. This year, only one in 166 of the 629,367 members who advance through chapter and state FFA degrees earned this national degree. This year 3,780 American FFA Degrees were given, with this being less than one percent of the FFA members. Achieving this goal requires years of hard work and commitment. These young farmers demonstrated skills and abilities that are the hallmark of the FFA – premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriculture education.
When students become members of the FFA, they first receive the Greenhand Degree. After a year of satisfactory work, their local chapter may award them the chapter FFA degree. The next degree, the State FFA Degree, is granted only by the state FFA associations to members whose achievements in agriculture are truly exceptional. The American FFA Degree is awarded only by the National FFA Organization at the annual convention. The American FFA Degree recipients are truly the "cream of the crop."
Tanner Burton and Tyler Burton received the American FFA degree, but they were unable to attend the National convention.
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