Letter to Editor

SQ777 takes away our rights

Some farmers are so afraid of the Humane Society that they are willing to give up their right to have a say in any future farm regulations. The sad thing is they are willing to give up their children's and all their descendants' right to have a say as well. It gets worse; they want all Oklahomans and all their descendants to give up their rights to have a say.

SQ777 does not “create” the right to farm out of thin air; it takes away the rights of every present and future citizen of Oklahoma to regulate the future of our air, water, food and land, and also technology, which means chemicals and genetically modified crops. No one knows what farming will look like in 50 years, and to change our constitution so our children can never have a say is foolish.

If a foreign government decided to take our right to vote away from us, we would fight as our ancestors have done. We would consider it un-American to take our rights away. It is just as un-American to even ask Oklahomans to throw away their rights for nothing. It doesn’t matter if a foreign government or Farm Bureau Insurance or Oklahoma Cattlemen want to take our rights away, it’s still un-American.

SQ777 is not what it seems. “Right to Farm” is a catchy name. But we already have the right to farm and that is not what this is about. This is about taking away your right to have a say, your right to vote, forever.

Vote for Oklahoma, vote for America, vote for your children’s rights, vote NO on SQ777.

Kim Barker

Waynoka, Oklahoma


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